Local ADU Rules


Last Updated October 8, 2024

ADU Contact:

Planner on Duty – 650.595.7478

Zones allowed

All zones used for single or multifamily housing:
R-1-5, HIA-1, VHDR, HRO, CMU, VC, VSC, VCMU, PD (Residential)

Lot Restrictions


Minimum Lot Size


Min/Max ADU Size

Min: 150 square feet

Max detached (one bedroom or less): 850 square feet

Max detached (two bedrooms or more): 1000 square feet

Max attached: the greater of 50% of primary dwelling square footage or 850 square feet (one bedroom or less) / 1,000 square feet (two+ bedrooms)

ADU Building Height

Attached: Same as primary dwelling
Detached: 16 feet
Over garage: 20-23 feet (dependent on roof style)
*Over garage, if setbacks meet underlying zoning regulation: 28 feet


Attached: California Gov. Code, § 65852.2, subd. (a)(1)(D)(vii): 4-feet side and rear
Detached: rear and side – 4 feet; front – depends on zoning district; 5 feet from primary dwelling unit

Parking Requirements

No parking required but, if provided, can be tandem

Owner Occupancy

Owner must live in the main dwelling or the ADU unless ADU was permitted between Jan 1 2020 and Jan 1, 2025

Sample fees from recent permits

ADU 1 (584 sf, attached): $6,736
ADU 2 (416 sf, attached): $3,404
ADU 3 (285 sf, attached, junior): $3,399
ADU 4 – August 2022 (348 sf, detached): $18,927

Other requirements

Sprinklers for fire safety are required if the ADU results in a 50% increase in the original residence size or if a combination of increase in size and remodeling impacted 50% of the original square footage.

All projects removing protected trees are subject to the Belmont Tree Ordinance.

No short-term rentals allowed

Only one ADU and one JADU per property is allowed in Single-Family Residential Districts.

No more than two detached multi-family ADUs are allowed on sites with lawfully existing multifamily dwellings.

Sewer must connect to the lateral for the main dwelling.


Making an appointment to meet with a planner in the initial stages of the project can help avoid challenges and is highly recommended. Building permit and design review are required.


ADUs must comply with Residential Design Criteria if the new construction includes 1) ground floor plate height exceeding 12-feet or roof height exceeding 18 (measured from finished grade) or 2) creates or expands an upper floor.

Wondering what you can build?

Make sure you check out our Learning the Rules page for more step-by-step details
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