Local ADU Rules


Last Updated November 5, 2024

ADU Contact:

planningdept@burlingame.org or 650-558-7250

Zones allowed

ADUs: R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 and mixed use districts (CMU, BRMU, RRMU, NBMU, BMU, CAR, DAC, HMU, MMU)
JADUs: R-1

Lot Restrictions

Lot must have existing or proposed single or multi-family dwelling

Minimum Lot Size

No minimum lot size required

Min/Max ADU Size

ADU one bedroom or less: 850 square feet
ADU two or more bedrooms: 1000 square feet
*Not more than 50% of primary dwelling square footage
JADU: 500 square feet

ADU Building Height

Detached: 16 feet, 1 story
Attached: subject to underlying zoning restrictions; 16 feet if located in Hillside Overlay


Rear 40% of lot: none, Outside of rear 40% of lot: subject to underlying zoning restrictions, but at least 4 feet
Attached ADU: no more than 4 feet
Minimum four-foot separation required between a detached ADU and any other structure on the lot (measured between the exterior walls of the structures).

Parking Requirements

JADUs: No parking required
ADUs: One spot may be required (tandem allowed). No parking required if:

  • ½ mile walking distance from public transit, in a historic district, or one block from a car-share vehicle
  • on-street parking permits are required but not offered to ADU occupant
  • it is part of the proposed or existing primary residence or an existing accessory structure
  • when there is an established car share vehicle stop located within one block of the ADU
Owner Occupancy

Owner must live in the main dwelling or the JADU

Sample fees from recent permits

ADU 1 (570 square feet, converted garage, $30,000 valuation): $3,300
ADU 2 (660 square feet, new detached, $150,000 valuation): $8,250

Other requirements

If more than 150 feet from a right-of-way, fire access required. If primary dwelling is required to have sprinklers, ADU needs sprinklers.

Separate electrical and water meters may be required by the City. Sewer must connect to the lateral for the main dwelling.

One tree must be added per 1,000 SF of floor area on the site, including ADU and main dwelling and any other accessory structures.

A tree removal permit is required for removal of protected-size trees.

One ADU or one JADU allowed per property. One JADU may be allowed with one ADU if the ADU does not exceed 850 square feet.

No short-term rentals

Deed restriction must be recorded prior to issuance of a building permit


Submit ADU Permit application to Planning Division. Application may require revisions. Upon Planning Division approval of the ADU Permit, apply for a building permit. Making an appointment to meet with a planner in the initial stages of the project can help avoid challenges and is highly recommended.


ADUs less than 850 square feet are exempt from floor area ratio (FAR) and lot coverage requirements.

Wondering what you can build?

Make sure you check out our Learning the Rules page for more step-by-step details
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