Local ADU Rules


Last Updated January 5, 2025

ADU Contact:

Planning Division – 650.375.7422

Zones allowed

All residential areas

Lot Restrictions

Floor area ratio & lot coverage requirements for underlying zone apply, unless these would preclude the construction of an ADU that is 800 square feet.

Minimum Lot Size


Min/Max ADU Size

JADU: 500 sq. ft.
Building Permit Only: 800 sq. ft.
Detached/Attached ADU Planning Permit (one bedroom or less): 850 sq. ft.
Detached/Attached ADU Planning Permit (2+ bedrooms): 1,000 sq. ft.
Applicant can request an ADU Exception Review, which allows more permissive standards through a discretionary review process.

ADU Building Height

Detached: Up to 16 feet. If site is within ½ mile walking of transit, then 18 feet is allowed (Up to 20 feet if necessary to accommodate a roof pitch).
Detached with increased setbacks: Up to 22 feet, if ADU has side and rear setbacks of at least 20 feet and is at least 25 feet from all public right-of-way.
Attached: Up to height of primary dwelling or 25 feet, whichever is lower.



Side and Rear: 4 feet
Front: 25 feet, unless these would preclude the construction of an ADU that is 800 square feet
No setback is required for an ADU that is constructed in the same location and to the same dimensions as an existing structure

Parking Requirements

JADUs: No parking required
ADUs: One spot may be required (tandem or within setback allowed). No parking required if:

  • ½ mile walking distance from public transit, in a historic district, or one block from a car-share vehicle, or
  • on-street parking permits are required but not offered to ADU occupant
  • when the ADU application is submitted with an application to create a new primary dwelling
Owner Occupancy

JADU: Required

ADU: Not required for ADUs created on or after January 1, 2020

Sample fees from recent permits

ADU 1 (2019, 674 sf, detached): $4,800

ADU 2 (2019, 437 sf, detached): $3,400

No impact fees if ADU is under 750 square feet

Other requirements

ADUs must comply with Building and Fire Code requirements.

No short-term rentals (less than 30-days).

ADU Planning permits subject to all objective standards, including Architecture and Landscaping Requirements.

Additional requirements may apply if:

  • the site is within a HFSZ or WUI Zone
  • the structure is or lot contains a historic resource
  • the ADU or necessary site work is within 20 feet of the top of bank of a creek

Please contact our ADU Specialist via email at adu@hillsborough.net, or make an appointment here (https://outlook.office365.com/book/VirtualADUSpecialistBooking@hillsborough.net/s/


Applicant can request an ADU Exception Review, which allows more permissive standards through a discretionary review process. An ADU or JADU that does not comply with every applicable objective standard may be approved through a staff-level the design review.

Wondering what you can build?

Make sure you check out our Learning the Rules page for more step-by-step details
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