Home » Local Rules » Menlo Park
650.330.6702 – planning@menlopark.org
Standards | Details |
Zones allowed | R-E, R-E-S, R-1-S, R-1-S (FG), R-1-U, R-1-U (LM), R-2, R-3, R-4, R-4 (S), R-3-A |
Lot Restrictions | Attached, detached, and junior ADUs have specific requirements for each type |
Minimum Lot Size | None |
Min/Max ADU Size | ADU – Attached and Detached: 1000 square feet |
ADU Building Height | JADU and Attached: Same as primary dwelling |
Setbacks | Attached: same as primary residence |
Parking Requirements | JADUs: No parking required within an architecturally and historically significant historic district an interior ADU ineligible for on-street parking permits, but on-street permits are available within one block of a car share vehicle |
Owner Occupancy | ADUs: Built after Jan 1 2020 – No requirements, otherwise – required unless nontenancy status is granted. JADUs: Owner occupancy required |
Sample fees from recent permits | Depends on the specifics of the proposal. No school impact fees for ADUs 500 square feet or smaller. Services provided by other districts/agencies may assess a fee. |
Other requirements | Properties developed with a single-family residence may construct up to 2 ADUs, 1 that is detached and 1 that is either attached, interior or junior. ADU – may have up to 2 bedrooms. JADU – no bedroom restrictions Daylight plane restrictions may apply. Depending on ADU size and type, permission to exceed FAR and lot coverage maximums may apply. |
Process | Building permit review is required. Making an appointment to meet with a planner in the initial stages of the project can help avoid challenges and is highly recommended. |
Exceptions | None |
Created by Community Planning Collaborative