Local ADU Rules


Last Updated August 29, 2024

ADU Contact:

Planning Division – 650-259-2341, planning@ci.millbrae.ca.us

Zones allowed

R-1, R1-LL, R-2, R-3, Single Family and Multi-Family Dwelling Zones

Lot Restrictions

Detached ADU’s are permitted in the rear half of the yard unless restrictions preclude an 800 sf ADU 16 ft in height.

Minimum Lot Size


Min/Max ADU Size

Min: 150 square feet,
Max one bedroom or less: 850 square feet, two + bedrooms: 1000 square feet
Maximum 50% of main home floor area.
Max JADU: 500 square feet

ADU Building Height

ADU: Attached – 25 feet; detached – 16 feet, JADU: same as the existing structure


Attached: side and rear – 4 feet, front – determined by base zoning district
Detached: side and rear – 4 feet, front – determined by base zoning district, 5 feet from primary residence

Parking Requirements

JADUs: No parking required
ADUs: One spot may be required (tandem allowed). No parking required if:
½ mile walking distance from public transit, in a historic district, or one block from a car-share vehicle

on-street parking permits are required but not offered to ADU occupant

Owner Occupancy

JADU: Required, deed restricted, ADU: Not required

Sample fees from recent permits

The exact amount of fees vary depending on the specifics of the proposal. No impact fees for projects less than 750 square feet. In addition, other districts provide various services, such as fire, sanitary, water, and schools that may assess a fee.

Other requirements

ADU must provide direct outside access.

ADUs must comply with all requirements of the underlying zoning district, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the ordinance or state law.

Architectural design, materials, and color must match the primary dwelling unit

No short-term rentals


Building permit review required. Making an appointment to meet with a planner in the initial stages of the project is highly recommended.



Wondering what you can build?

Make sure you check out our Learning the Rules page for more step-by-step details
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