Local ADU Rules


Last Updated October 11, 2024

ADU Contact:

Brianne Harkousha: 650. 738.7341 – bharkousha@pacifica.gov

Katie Snodgrass: KSnodgrass@pacifica.gov

Zones allowed

R-1, R-2, R-3, R-5,C-1, C-2, P-D, A

Lot Restrictions

Attached and detached ADUs prohibited where street fronting site is unpaved or 26 feet or less in width.

Minimum Lot Size


Min/Max ADU Size

Min: 150 sf

Max attached: One or less bedroom: 850 SF or 50% of the primary dwelling, whichever is greater. 2 or more bedrooms: 1,000SF or 50% of the primary dwelling, whichever is greater

Max detached: 1,200 SF

Max JADU: 500 SF

Max attached or detached conversion: None

ADU Building Height

Detached: Primary dwelling height or 25 feet, whichever is less.

*In front of primary dwelling or within primary dwelling setbacks: 16 feet

JADU and Attached: same as primary residence

*Height limit cannot be less than 16 feet


Attached: Front – 15 feet; except above the garage – 20 feet. Side and rear – 4 feet
Detached: Side and rear – 4 feet. Front – 15 feet or same as primary residence
JADU: None, if contained within existing single-family residence, expansions for ingress and egress only: front – 15 feet, side and rear – 4 feet

Parking Requirements

JADUs: No parking required
ADUs: One spot may be required (tandem allowed). No parking required if:

  • ½ mile walking distance from public transit, in a historic district, or one block from a car-share vehicle
  • on-street parking permits are required but not offered to ADU occupant

Special requirements apply to Coastal Visitor Parking Areas

Owner Occupancy

JADU: owner occupancy required

ADU: none

Sample fees from recent permits

2022: 1000 s.f. detached: $13,000
2022: 297 s.f. garage conversion to JADU: $3,800
2021: 934 s.f. attached above existing garage: $17,420
*No impact fees for ADUs less than 750 square feet

Other requirements

Fire sprinklers required in some cases.

Separate utility meters not required. Sometimes meter upgrade required.

Consult with city if work requires tree removal, work within 50 feet of a tree, or pruning a tree.

No short term rentals.

Single-family residence site may have 1 ADU and 1 JADU

ADUs must comply with all requirements of the underlying zoning district.


Ministerial building permit process applying state standards and compliance with City ordinance. In the Coastal Zone, a Coastal Development Permit is required. Making an appointment to meet with a planner in the initial stages of the project can help avoid challenges and is highly recommended.


Applicants may pursue variances and parking exceptions through Planning Commission for certain standards.

Wondering what you can build?

Make sure you check out our Learning the Rules page for more step-by-step details
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