Home » Local Rules » Pacifica
Brianne Harkousha: 650. 738.7341 – bharkousha@pacifica.gov
Katie Snodgrass: KSnodgrass@pacifica.gov
Standards | Details |
Zones allowed | R-1, R-2, R-3, R-5,C-1, C-2, P-D, A |
Lot Restrictions | Attached and detached ADUs prohibited where street fronting site is unpaved or 26 feet or less in width. |
Minimum Lot Size | None |
Min/Max ADU Size | Min: 150 sf Max attached: One or less bedroom: 850 SF or 50% of the primary dwelling, whichever is greater. 2 or more bedrooms: 1,000SF or 50% of the primary dwelling, whichever is greater Max detached: 1,200 SF Max JADU: 500 SF Max attached or detached conversion: None |
ADU Building Height | Detached: Primary dwelling height or 25 feet, whichever is less. *In front of primary dwelling or within primary dwelling setbacks: 16 feet JADU and Attached: same as primary residence *Height limit cannot be less than 16 feet |
Setbacks | Attached: Front – 15 feet; except above the garage – 20 feet. Side and rear – 4 feet |
Parking Requirements | JADUs: No parking required
Special requirements apply to Coastal Visitor Parking Areas |
Owner Occupancy | JADU: owner occupancy required ADU: none |
Sample fees from recent permits | 2022: 1000 s.f. detached: $13,000 |
Other requirements | Fire sprinklers required in some cases. Separate utility meters not required. Sometimes meter upgrade required. Consult with city if work requires tree removal, work within 50 feet of a tree, or pruning a tree. No short term rentals. Single-family residence site may have 1 ADU and 1 JADU ADUs must comply with all requirements of the underlying zoning district. |
Process | Ministerial building permit process applying state standards and compliance with City ordinance. In the Coastal Zone, a Coastal Development Permit is required. Making an appointment to meet with a planner in the initial stages of the project can help avoid challenges and is highly recommended. |
Exceptions | Applicants may pursue variances and parking exceptions through Planning Commission for certain standards. |
Created by Community Planning Collaborative