Home » Local Rules » San Mateo City
650.522.7212 – planning@cityofsanmateo.org
Standards | Details |
Zones allowed | Lots zoned to allow residential uses. |
Lot Restrictions | 1 ADU (attached or detached) and 1 JADU per lot with a single-family dwelling Floor area ratio and lot coverage for underlying zone apply to an ADU over 800 square feet. |
Minimum Lot Size | 0 |
Min/Max ADU Size | Min: None |
ADU Building Height | Detached ADUs: 16 feet to building plate; 24 feet max Attached ADUs: 24 feet to building plate; 32 feet max *Two story units are allowed provided they meet these standards. |
Setbacks | Side and rear: 4 feet |
Parking Requirements | JADUs: No parking required |
Owner Occupancy | JADUs: Required ADUs: Not required |
Sample fees from recent permits | Building permit fees (updated annually): ADU New Construction: $2,831.57 ADU Remodel: $2,031.12 Eligible Manufacture, Pre-Fab, or Pre-Approved: $1,455.43 JADU: $1,454.02 School impact fees: $4.08/sq ft for ADU equal to or over 750 sq ft of new floor area Public works fee: wastewater capacity charge of $5.95 / sq ft for detached ADUs or ADUs that include expansion of an existing structure by 150 sq.ft. or more Other utility connection fees: no connection fees required for JADUs/attached ADUs |
Other requirements | Sale & rental: The ADUs/JADUs prohibited from being sold separately from the primary residence. Units may be rented, but short-term rentals (under 30-days) prohibited. Fire safety: New ADUs (Attached and detached) require sprinklers if the main dwelling has sprinklers or if over 1,200 sq ft (total area). Attached ADUs also require sprinklers if 50% or more of the main dwelling is being rebuilt or added. Contact the Fire Department at 650.522.7940 for additional questions. Shape, materials and style: Attached ADUs – Same architectural style/materials as the primary structure and offset windows adjacent to a property line from neighboring windows to maximize privacy. Detached ADUs – Offset windows adjacent to a property line from neighboring windows to maximize privacy; second story windows within 5-ft of a residential lot line glazed up to 5-ft from finish floor; 5-ft setback for exterior staircases. Utility connections: Separate water, sewer service, or power service connections allowed, but not required. ADUs are not considered new residential units for the purposes of calculating City connection fees or capacity charges for utilities. |
Process | Only a ministerial building permit required, review includes Planning, Public Works, Building, Fire, and Arborist (if the construction involves removal of trees). |
Exceptions | An alternative planning review process is allowed for ADUs that do not meet objective standards. Exceptions will be granted if findings can be met: The proposed ADU would not result in a negative privacy impact on an abutting residential lot; and The proposed ADU would not result in a negative impact to public health, safety, or welfare. The proposed ADU, when detached and exceeding the height limit, should provide at least one additional off-street parking space. |
Created by Community Planning Collaborative