Local ADU Rules

San Mateo County

Last Updated October 7, 2024

ADU Contact:

William Gibson – 650.222.3082

Zones allowed

All principally residential zones countywide; all zones that allow residential outside the coastal zone

Lot Restrictions

1 ADU and 1 JADU, multiple ADUs allowed on multifamily structures

Permitted in front of primary residence only if part of existing structure and/or meets normal front setbacks or is no closer to front property line than primary residence

Detached ADUs count against total floor area allowed on parcel as long as it does not preclude an at least 800 square feet ADU

Minimum Lot Size


Min/Max ADU Size

Min: 150 square feet

Max detached: not to exceed 800 square feet or 35% of primary residence, up to 1,500 square feet

Max attached: not to exceed 800 square feet or 50% of primary residence, up to 1,500 square feet

Max JADU: 500 square feet

*Additional 150 square feet of floor area allowed for ingress/egress

ADU Building Height

26 feet; ADUs entirely within a primary residence may be the height of that residence.

*Two-story ADUs allowed.


Side and rear: 4 feet.

Front: per underlying zoning district.

Minimum separation: 5 feet, can be reduced with firewalls.

Parking Requirements

JADUs: No parking required

ADUs: One spot may be required (tandem allowed). Outside of designated Midcoast areas, no parking required if:

  • ½ mile walking distance from public transit, in a historic district, or one block from a car-share vehicle or
  • ADU is within existing primary residence or accessory structure
Owner Occupancy

ADUs: none

JADUs: owner occupancy required

No short term rentals allowed

Sample fees from recent permits

(2019) ADU 1 (626 sq ft, attached): $10,788*
(2019) ADU 2 (627 sq ft, detached): $6.577*
(2022) ADU 3 (700 square feet, detached): $5,900
*does not include school fee which varies by location and is $1.39-$3.48 / sf

Note: ADUs less than 750 square feet are exempt from all impact fees

Other requirements

ADUs must conform to all development standards in the zoning district in which they are proposed

ADU must comply with California Building Code fire safety requirements. If the primary dwelling has sprinklers, the ADU must have sprinklers

There are no design or architectural review requirements, unless the ADU is located in the Coastal Zone, in which case the ADU must be similar in shape, materials and style to the primary dwelling

Tree removals may require a permit per the Heritage Tree Ordinance


ADUs are subject to the standard permitting process with no additional types of review. Standalone ADUs (not part of a larger project) receive expedited processing. Standards are very liberal relative to other types of development. Some ADUs in the County’s Coastal Zone are subject to design review (objectively applied at staff level). Making an appointment to meet with a planner in the initial stages of the project can help avoid challenges and is highly recommended.


Normal exception process is allowed. ADUs not meeting standards may be conditionally permitted.

Wondering what you can build?

Make sure you check out our Learning the Rules page for more step-by-step details
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